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  • 03/19/2020 12:20 PM | Anonymous

    As an organization, the ARDC recognizes that participation in in-person educational activities may not be a healthy option for all. As a result, for the time-being we will not be scheduling any new in-person speaking engagements and we are evaluating whether our participation in currently scheduled speaking engagements is the healthiest option for attendees and our staff participants.

    In an effort to continue to provide high quality educational opportunities to Illinois lawyers, please note that the ARDC has available 17.25 hours of free, on-line CLE-accredited courses, available 24/7 on the ARDC website. These remote offerings are all accredited CLE in the area of Professional Responsibility, including 1.25 hours of diversity and inclusion CLE and 2.25 hours of mental health and substance abuse CLE.

    In addition to the ARDC offerings, the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism and the Lawyers’ Assistance Program (LAP) also have available accredited online distance learning courses.

    Links below under "Resources for CLE"

  • 03/18/2020 12:18 PM | Anonymous
    • As this situation is constantly evolving, we are committed to keeping everyone updated. Please be advised that as it concerns pre-trials, any attorneys that who desire to move forward with one must go through the chairman’s office. This is the same process for emergency hearings. The chairman will determine what next steps to take as it concerns both pre-trial requests and emergency hearings. This will be the policy in place through March 31st. We are not certain what measures will be implemented thereafter. As information is available, we will update you accordingly.
    • As of tomorrow, the City’s 4 workers’ compensation attorneys will be working from home. If you have  recently mailed documents to them, please consider sending them again via email.  Especially if they are timely. They will be available via their work email addresses or cell phone. Their office numbers will forward to their cell phones.

  • 03/16/2020 12:17 PM | Anonymous
  • 03/13/2020 12:13 PM | Anonymous

    Please note that there will be no workers’ compensation court appearances, hearings, or oral arguments throughout the State of Illinois through March 31st.  As the 31st draws closer and additional information is available, we will alert you to what the plan will be for status hearings and appearances starting April 1st. 

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Tyler D. Berberich President
Austin E. Friedrich Vice President
Nicole M. Schnoor Secretary
Lindsey S. Strom  Treasurer

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